Gastric Sleeve

Gastric sleeve surgery is the vertical removal of 75% of the stomach. The stomach is transformed into the shape of a banana or tube. The procedure is performed laparoscopically with a stapler. Stomach takes the shape of a tube as the continuation of the oesophagus. As the stomach volume decreases to 25% postoperatively, patients feel fullness when they eat 1/4 of what they ate previously during meals. In this method, no bowel disturbance occurs due to bypass. Patients lose weight by eating less.

Gastric Sleeve Illustration
What is a gastric sleeve?

The principle behind the formation of a gastric sleeve is to reduce the volume of the stomach. During the minimally invasive operation, 90% of the large, arched part of the stomach, the fundus and body, are removed, leaving a tube-shaped rest of the stomach. It is a restrictive process, so the digestive performance is preserved. The gastric volume is reduced by 85-100 ml. This means that only very small amounts of food can be consumed, and saturation occurs quickly. The length of the hospital stay is 4 to 5 days.

What are the advantages of the gastric sleeve?

Gastric sleeve formation leads to the absorption of smaller amounts of food and thus to rapid weight loss. The feeling of hunger is reduced. The stomach retains its function. With a gastroscopy, you can still see the stomach. Unlike gastric bypass, vitamin B12 substitutions are usually not required. No foreign body is introduced. Secondary diseases of the metabolic syndrome: type 2 diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, usually improve quickly. Wearing an oxygen mask (CPAP mask) is often no longer necessary. There is now good data on weight loss. Realistically, a 60-70% reduction in excess weight is possible within the first 2 years. Current studies show that bypass and gastric sleeve achieve comparable results in terms of improvement in comorbidities and weight loss.

Nutrition therapy after gastric sleeve surgery

The nutritional build-up after the operation takes place slowly and in individual phases. It is very important that you stick to this for the first few weeks. In this way you help to prevent complications and learn to cope with the new situation step by step.

Before you are discharged home, you will receive a detailed overview scheme and important points can be discussed at this point.

Diet regimen after surgery

  • From the 1st day after the operation: clear liquids
  • From the 3rd day after the operation: clear liquids, yoghurt, soups
  • From the 2nd week after the operation: pureed food, liquids, dairy products 6 small meals a day
  • From the 4th week after the operation: Normal food with a soft consistency, 5 meals a day
  • From the 6th week after the operation: normal food, 3 – 5 meals depending on tolerance

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